What if humans were aliens? Hey... we are. Humans present all over the world are aliens. Modern humans on earth have been created by hybridizing with another alien species. Hybridization means crossbred. Modern humans were formed when they were crossbred with aliens from the neighboring solar system Alpha Centauri. Some experts of the world have claimed this.
Modern Iraq was formerly called al-Uhaimir. This is where the Sumerian city of Kish used to be. Ancient documents show that the city of Kish is older than 3500 BC. These were the cities where the monarchy used to run. The name of the king was Jushur. After Jushur, whoever became the king here was called Kullassina-Bel.
Kullassina-Bel means in the Acadian language that all these people were gods. Regarding this, archaeologists believe that whenever someone says that all the people here were gods, it means that there was no king there. That is, there was a lack of any central authority. These ancient documents have been found from the Sumerian to the Egyptian period. That is, for about 100 years.
Man is the only creature that has the ability to write. Because of this ability, humans are separated from animals. It has been five thousand years, since then humans have created electricity, broken atomic particles, made computers, reached the moon and Mars. Humans have developed such powers and techniques that no other organism has. No other species of organism has been able to develop so many techniques in such a short time.
The age of humans coming to earth and developing is much less than that of other organisms. But the intelligence that humans have got in such a short time is unimaginable. The works that have been done... are beyond thought. However, this question still remains with great complexity that why only humans have developed so much? Why is there no other species better than humans? The species of other intelligent creatures, they could not develop technology.
Think for once if you were sent to the wilderness for a while to live. Would you be able to save yourself there without technology? Many of us will not be able to survive in the jungle. Nor in the sea. For a long time you cannot live in the jungle and sea without technology or development. Most scientists believe that human beings are intelligent but they are not made according to every season or environment. We become confined in many respects on our own planet.
The intelligence of any girl or boy is related to the structure of her body. The structure of the human body is completely different from the physical structure of other organisms. Rather it is strange. For example, think of it like this... When a horse's cub is born, then it immediately gets up and starts walking. He starts doing all his work himself. But if a human child starts walking as soon as it is born, you will get nervous. Because that doesn't happen. The human child has to develop gradually by increasing his mental capacity. He has neurological development.
Why did humans start walking on two legs? How they went on getting ready to change, understand and create new things. Dr. Alice Silver has given a new theory. In which she says that humans did not develop on earth with other organisms. There is a book, named - Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence. In this, scientists from all over the world like Dr. Alice Silver have given the theory that humans were not born on earth.
In the book Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence, 13 hypotheses and 17 factors have been counted that describe humans as aliens. Because man is the most intelligent creature on earth, but he is not fit to survive according to the weather and environment of the earth. He cannot tolerate strong sunlight, floods, bad weather. He becomes a victim of chronic diseases. There is no creature on earth that is more sick than humans.
, According to Alice Silver, humans had to face back pain for millions of years. Because he was standing on two feet by walking ahead of all four feet. Because from this process it seems that humans must have been born on a planet with less gravity. Or else the ancestors of humans must have been hybridized with the creatures of another planet.
, According to Ellis, Neanderthal humans must have been crossbreeding with organisms from our neighboring solar system Alpha Centauri. Because of which today's modern man has been born. Dr. Ellis says that there are millions of people in the world who say that they do not consider themselves to be of this earth. They find it difficult to live here. It may also happen that the earth has been used by aliens as a prison. Human beings are being taught manners and methods here.
, Ellis believes that humans did not originate from the thread of any life present on Earth. It originated elsewhere. It was brought to earth between 60 thousand and 2 lakh years. The modern species of human, that is, what we call Homo-sapiens, has come from some other planet.
Scientist and author Robert Sefer said that if we look at modern DNA sequencing, then it will be known that humanity is not born from any single race. It is not the lineage of any human species from Africa. It is a hybridized species. Humans are hybrids. The mysteries of Rh negative blood of humans have not been solved till date. If all humans were the lineage of a human species from Africa, then everyone's blood would not react with each other. He would get Therefore it is not understood where Rh negative blood came from.
Robert says that after the death of each race, another caste takes possession or develops there. From here the box of knowledge and memories keeps on moving forward. The people of Spain and France have the most Rh negative blood. 30% are carrying Rh negative blood and 60% are carrying r negative genes. There are 612 primate species i.e. species of apes on earth. There is not a single one whose blood is Rh negative.
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