There will be many habitable planets in our galaxy (The Milky Way). Four of these planets will be such where alien civilizations will be living. who can be enemies of each other. They can attack each other's planets. The scientist doing the research claims that it is difficult to say whether the aliens will attack the earth or not. But the destruction of the earth will happen only due to the attack of asteroids. This research has been published in the preprint database 'arXiv'.
This study has not yet been peer reviewed. In which one of the biggest questions is arising that what will happen if the enemy alien civilization attacks the earth? Is there any alien civilization capable of attacking our earth or not? An attempt has been made to find the answer to these questions by Alberto Cabarello, Doctoral Student in Conflict Resolution at the University of Vigo, Spain.
Alberto says that my study gives an idea of whether aliens will attack our earth. Will they be our enemies? Will there be a war between the people or humans of any habitable planet? There may be aliens who believe in enmity rather than friendship. Alberto is not an astrophysicist, but even before that he has written research papers about unknown signals.
Alberto was the first to find out which country attacked which country. From 1915 to 2022, 51 out of 195 countries in the world attacked other countries in some way or the other. America tops this list. He made 14 attacks in this time. After this, Alberto checked the military strength of that country and the frequency of attacks. In this also America came at number one. He spends 38 percent of the military expenditure of the whole world.
Alberto saw that from 1915 to 2022, the number of attacks on each other by the countries of the earth. Seeing them, it seems that the aliens themselves will attack the earth. Because the probability of humans attacking an alien civilization is 0.028 percent. Because humans are still not able to make long journeys in space. Right now there is technology, according to this it seems that it will take 259 years for humans to travel fast in space. This calculation is based on human energy consumption. Which he has told by calculating on the Kardashev scale.
Alberto also said that humans will never be able to attack any other alien civilization or planet in space. Because it will take 259 years for us to become Type-1 i.e. Interstellar. There may be many habitable planets in our galaxy. Maybe some civilization is living on them too. In a study in 2012, scientists estimated that there are 15,785 alien civilizations in our galaxy, which want to make contact with humans.
Alberto found only 0.22 alien civilizations to be type-1 out of these 15,785 alien civilizations. That is, those who can travel to distant space. They can be enemies of humans. That is, there are 4.42 alien neighbors in our galaxy, who are or can keep enmity with us. On the basis of this they will attack us.
The destruction of the human earth is more likely to be caused by an asteroid attack. Because once every 100 million years, such an asteroid will definitely hit the earth, as it did during the dinosaurs. Therefore, at present, only such an asteroid has the ability and power to eliminate humans from the earth.
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