Robot On Mars: 'Spider-Man' will find life in the caves of Mars, Reachbot will investigate the shelter before the arrival of humans

Robot On Mars: 'Spider-Man' will find life in the caves of Mars, Reachbot will investigate the shelter before the arrival of humans

Robot On Mars: Now NASA wants to peek inside the caves on Mars. NASA wants to arrange shelter for humans before sending them to Mars. Caves are considered to be the best for this. NASA now wants to send robots to investigate these caves. The way of walking of this robot is like that of Spider-Man.
Washington: The American space agency NASA has several satellites that collect data by observing Mars from above. NASA has rovers that probe the surface. These rovers collect data by drilling a few inches of NASA's land. Recently, NASA's Curiosity rover has made a major breakthrough in detecting for the first time the total organic carbon present in the rocks of Mars, which is a vital compound for life.
From this it is also being speculated that the clues of life on Mars are buried in the depths of its land. NASA wants to arrange shelter there before sending humans to Mars in the future. These include caves, but his rover cannot reach these places. For further research, NASA now wants to send a robot to Mars, which can peep into the caves. It is estimated that these caves may also contain water and this will give more information about the history of the planet.
'Reachboat to be sent to Mars'
 A group of scientists want to send a ReachBot to Mars, which can crawl and climb through the caves of Mars. The Reachbot idea was first floated by Stanfort University in 2018. The researchers knew that the robot would need an anchor point so that it could move without falling. If it does not get more anchor points then it will not be able to go very far. Reachbot's idea is a multi-armed robot, which they can scale up and down.

 Robot will run like Spider-Man
 According to the university, Reachbot will be like Spider-Man, who will move forward only after a strong grip. The university had received funding for the first phase to build the robot, which showed that this project could be successful. Now the funding for the second phase has been received. The team will further create its 3D simulation, robotic prototype. Tests will be conducted in caves in New Mexico and California. According to the team, if this robot is sent to Mars, then a rover will leave it till the gate of the cave.
 Nasa Curiosity Rover on Mars: NASA's Curiosity Rover on Mars are for rock sample. This rock has got significant components for genes. Scientists have managed to detect total organic carbon for the first time. The rock sample that has taken is 3.5 billion years old.
 Washington: May be life on Mars. Some of these signs have been received. NASA signals signs of critical ingredients of the rock sample for the coriosity of the Rover. In these rocks, they have got the necessary things that are essential for life on earth. Curiosity Rover has collected samples from the Gail Crater site of ancient Lake on Mars. Scientists from these samples have been successful in detecting the total amount of organic carbon in Mars stones.
 "Using data from NASA's Curiosity rover, scientists have for the first time measured the total organic carbon in Martian rocks, a key component in the molecules of life," NASA said in a statement. Organic carbon is a carbon that is bonded to hydrogen atoms. It is made and used by all the living beings of the earth. However, organic carbon can also come from non-living things such as volcanic eruptions and meteorites.
 how much organic carbon was found
 NASA scientist Jennifer Stern told that, 'We have found organic carbon in at least 200 to 273 parts per million. This is comparable to the amount found in permanent rocks of very few life forms on Earth. Such rocks on Earth are found in parts of the Atacama Desert in South America. The same quantity is also found in the meteorites of Mars.
 Robot On Mars: Now NASA wants to peek inside the caves on Mars. NASA wants to arrange shelter for humans before sending them to Mars. Caves are considered to be the best for this. NASA now wants to send robots to investigate these caves. The way of walking of this robot is like that of
 Solar Eclipse on Mars: NASA's Parsvarence Rover recorded the incident of sun eclipse on Mars. The moon of the shape of the potato of Mars came in front of the Fobos Sun, due to which it was eclipse. This sun eclipse was recorded on April 2 on April 2.
 Washington: Many people love to watch the solar eclipse. You must have seen solar eclipse many times on Earth. But now NASA has recorded the solar eclipse on Mars. NASA's Perseverance rover has recorded the potato-shaped moon Phobos of Mars passing in front of the Sun. The Perseverance rover was sent to Mars in February 2021. On April 2, the rover recorded the event with the next generation Mastcam-Z camera.
 "I knew it would be cool, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing," said team member Rachel Howson, who operated the Mastcam-Z camera at Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego. Phobos is the largest of the two moons of Mars. It orbits the planet Mars three times a day. It is very close to the surface of the planet, which is why sometimes it is not visible from many places of Mars.
 The eclipse occurred on the 397th day after the Perseverance rover landed on Mars, which lasted a little over 40 seconds. This is much smaller than a solar eclipse on Earth, which is surprising, since Phobos is about 157 times smaller than Earth's moon. Photos of the lunar eclipse of Mars have been taken before. Earlier, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity had also photographed the solar eclipse on Mars. But footage from the Perseverance rover is the most zoomed in video related to the solar eclipse. Along with this, the solar eclipse has been seen in color for the first time only through the Perseverance rover.
 Phobos will crash on Mars
 NASA hopes that the footage will allow scientists to better study the dynamics between Phobos and Mars. Although scientists know that at some point the existence of Phobos will disappear, because this moon is moving 1.8 meters closer to Mars every year. According to calculations, this moon will crash on the surface of Mars in 50 million years.


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